I love to color. Sometimes I don't make time for it but with Kathy Racoosin's Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge just starting up again I'm determined to make the time.
I started day 1 with my copic markers. I don't have many and the few that I have don't get used too often as I'm not comfortable with them. But there's only one way to become comfortable and that's practice. So practice I will.
I used the Coffee and Love Digital Image from Gracielle Designs. Both cards are the same image, using the same colors but colored a little differently. The pic above and below are done with ink blending. I chose a dark and a light of each shade. I filled in most of the part that I was coloring with the lighter color leaving a little white space then added the darker color. The flower has the darker color in the center of the flower and the cup has it around the edges. To finish I went back in with the lighter color and blended them together.
The next two pics I did with all the same colors and added the lighter color first just like in the cards above.
When I added the darker shade I added more of it than I did in the first one and used thicker brush strokes. I think there's a name for this kind of coloring but I can't remember what it is.
If you know, please leave me a comment below. Thanks.
I like how they both turned out but I think my favorite is the second one. I've got some other images I'll practice some more coloring on.
Happy Stampin'
and thanks so much for visiting!
Stay safe everyone!!
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